Who Will Fight for our Children?

I’m a grammar teacher, and I realize that most people don’t give much thought to the proper use of pronouns as a part of speech. But now, pronouns have center stage in the mainstream media and in the federal department of education. He, she, him, her—who knows what we are supposed to call each other? Little boys and girls now are told they should not assume they are one or the other, but should stop and review the possibilities of choosing the opposite pronoun with which they would have naturally identified. Worse yet, some are told they could be a they, as if a boy or a girl could become more than one person or genderless entirely. Students now experience anxiety and heightened stress over just using school bathrooms or locker rooms, since either sex can use the other’s facilities if they choose.

Just when I thought we might be getting back to some of the basics in education, we are rushing to trend down a deep dark hole, causing confusion and distracting from the true purpose of school. While schools are sexualizing children with graphic, inappropriate sexual education curriculum, promoting pronoun-confusion, and teaching divisive racist ideologies, math, science, reading, and history have gone by the wayside. Children are led down a confusing path of reevaluation of themselves based on woke teaching, just so some school districts and administrations can collect millions of federal dollars by proving they have implemented such nonsense. Michigan’s children attend school buildings for many years, but are graduating with incompetence to take on the challenges of the world they will enter. We have to get back to teaching the essentials of education to help our children become prepared for prosperous, productive lives.

Although not every school district in Michigan is implementing this woke Critical Race Theory (Marxist doctrine finding some reason to separate everyone into hostile warring groups), it is prevalent in most schools in one way or another. If it isn’t in your local school, it is surely “coming to a district near you” if you let it. This initiative is coupled with “don’t tell your parents” communication in some of our public schools. Curriculum transparency standards with parents have not been considered. When someone tells a child to keep secrets from their parents, whether school, medical clinic, entertainment group, or media, we have a big problem! This is the most heinous part of what is transpiring in our education atmosphere today. The children have never been nor will ever be the property or the main responsibility of the school, the government, or the society at large. Our children belong to the parents they have been given to, whether foster, adopted, step-parents, grandparents, or natural born. The parents have the responsibility to raise them, to feed them, and to launch them into adulthood. They hold not only the purse to take care of them, but the heart to look after them and love them for the rest of their lives. Michigan education must provide curriculum transparency with parental oversight, or we will never be successful in assisting our children to thrive in the years ahead.

Funds follow the child initiatives have been successful in many states all over the country, and it is my goal to implement this in Michigan as well. Our hard-earned tax dollars should be utilized where the parents deem it most efficient and effective for the needs of their children. When the funds follow the child instead of the building or administration, parents are more involved and invested in what their children are learning. School boards and parents work together instead of becoming adversaries. Teachers become empowered to make the best educational choices for their students while enjoying the partnership that they truly want with parents. These elements of an educational environment are the most efficient and sustainable for raising the next generation into adulthood. Great schools and districts will flourish and become well-funded. Schools that don’t meet the parents’ needs for their children will cease to be funded. Whether public, charter, or private schools -- all will be held accountable to the market that pays their wages and provides their funding. It will be consumer-driven by the parents and tax payers in each community, instead of being federally funded and directed by divisive, confusing, and anti-American initiatives.  

I am running for State Representative in the 78th District. My goal is to stand up for you and your children, and make a difference in our state. I will fight for our children in the education system. As a result, we will have educated, skilled students in Michigan again. Our children are the greatest treasures God has given us. Help me restore true education for them, and secure a better future for everyone. Vote for me August 2nd.


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