The Crossroads We Face

Like many of you, I just spent the last couple of weeks enjoying three county fairs. The best part of any fair for me is admiring God’s beautiful farm animals and seeing how hard the 4-H children have worked to raise them. I’m always captivated too at how polite and respectful these children tend to be – also raised well by parents and grandparents who mentored them to work hard, respect others, and to speak with good manners.

For the male cows, sheep, and goats, it’s an interesting lesson to think of how much they have been changed once castrated. Big strong steers that are subdued so they can be led around and controlled, so they can be shown and utilized for a different purpose from breeding. They no longer will procreate, but they will certainly feed a lot of people. It always bothers me for a second, but then I remind myself that they can’t be shown at an event like this without this kind of procedure. These are animals that are fulfilling a purpose. But what if they all were like this? What if all the cows were castrated? Would we ever have another generation of cows? Beef for one generation, but not for the next?

I’m very concerned when I look at the problems we face in Michigan right now. We have a state leadership crisis, with bullies bearing down against every sphere of our farming, business, family, education, and religious worlds. And we don’t have enough leaders in position to push them back. We feel undermanned and outspent. Our boys are told to be girls, and our girls to be boys. Some of our medical world is implementing (unlawfully) age of consent protocols down to age twelve. Surgeries to castrate human males are being offered, and gender confusion is encouraged. We have an entertainment, political, and medical world that is trying to feminize boys and medically transform our youth, instead of letting them be the natural creations they were meant to be.

When I look at our Congress and at our Legislature, I’m wondering where the bulls are. Have they all been castrated too so they can be led around for show? They keep their mouths shut while they technically fill an office, but will not ever really deal with the tough issues. What happened to the strong men who made so many promises when they were running for office? Were they there for us during the shutdown? Are they there for us now? The 3 women at the top of our state’s political food chain are certainly large and in charge, but have become tyrants instead of real leaders.

I’m a businesswoman who runs a House of Prayer (MICHOP) and a Pregnancy Center. I’m trying to do all I can to help where I can. But now it’s time for me to go inside the state government and assist in bringing back some of the ideals that made this state and country great. We have to change the trajectory of our state, and I can’t sit by and watch it continue to tank. We must restore truth, common sense, godly family values, and a world where we can raise the next generation in. We must tell our children again that there are only two sexes, that an unborn baby has a right to live, and that we have enough social resources to care about everyone. We cannot tolerate choice only when it’s a baby, but not when it’s a vaccination or educational issue. And we can’t have regulations, taxes, and other financial burdens that destroy our ability to just take care of ourselves.

Won’t you help me turn this state around? I am running to represent you, and to serve you as your next state representative. I promise to serve with integrity, true transparency, and with intelligent research that finds the right solutions for the real problems. I promise to bring smart, experienced people to the table, instead of lobbying firms and career politicians that have no idea what they are talking about, but can certainly count the dollars collected from us. Let’s get something done that’s based on common sense, is respectful to humanity, and is truly financially sustainable.

August 2nd, we have the opportunity to make very important choices. Please choose life, freedom, and real accountability. I hope I have earned your respect and confidence. If so, please vote for me to work for you as your next state representative.


What a wonderful world…


The Value of Hard Work